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Best 3D printer of 2020: top choices for work and home use

Best 3D printer of 2020: top choices for work and home use

The best 3D printer choices on the market right now 

 (Image credit: Future)

The future is now with the best 3D printers being more accessible than ever before. It’s as easy as clicking the buy button online to become the owner of one of these cutting-edge devices. And, considering what potential these printers pack, it’s never been a better time to grab one.

Not only can you use the best 3D printers to build complete products, you can make spare parts for whatever project you want right from the comfort of your office, workshop, or even home. Now that 3D printing technology is within grasp of just about anyone, you don’t have to be an expert to try it out either.

 (Image credit: CEL-UK)

CEL-UK is a leader in 3D Printer innovation, with the original Robox printers introducing many new features to the world of FDM 3D printers. The RoboxPro is Robox on a large scale with a feature set that reads like a 3D print wish list; auto filament loading, auto bed levelling, Wi-Fi, network printing and swappable tool heads. The main focus of the machine is quality and reliability, designed for anyone wanting a printer that can realise product ideas and get them to market. The enclosed design makes it an ideal choice for commercial and educational use.

(Image credit: Original)

Prusa Research revolutionised the FDM 3D printer market and the SL1 looks set to do the same for SLA printers. While the printer uses Stereolithography technology, it's in fact a slight variant, know as MSLA. This uses an LCD and UV LED to expose the resin and is far cheaper than the high precision lasers seen in the likes of Form 3. While the component parts may be cheaper the results are outstanding and with support from the excellent PrusaSlicer software and huge open source community, the SL1 looks set to be game-changer in the SLA market.


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